Saturday, September 29, 2018

Blessed for our efforts...

Salut !!! 
Bonjour toute le monde !! 
This week both chill and crazy !!! We had some super cool miracles happen. I am very blessed to witness the lives of others improve thanks to the gospel of Jesus Christ (::: good stuff. 

So to start ! Last Monday we spent most of the day at the park painting, I'm working on my boats lol. It was sunny and beautiful and full of children. 

This past week we have had some pretty interesting encounters there, to start, we go running at this park with the lake, around 6h40 in the morning, it's because there is a bench so Soeur Peterson can read her scriptures and keep an eye on me (: it's a good match up. 
Well, there is always this one man that is at the park, he stays to smoke a cigarette, then leaves after a couple minutes. Finaly one morning I was just too curious and obviously the Spirit was pushing me, but I asked him why he liked to come here so much? And he said he's been coming to this park before work for over 4 months now, just to have a smoke then head off to work, told me he likes the lake. He asked me if I drive all the way here just to run because the terrain is a little rough, I responded with well yeah. I like the lake too. 
Anyways, conversation started and his name is Sylvan, not interested yet BUT. He is super sweet, and seems pretty reflective. Told us he's had too many problems in his life to still believe in God, but it's never too late. No no it's not Sylvan!! Keep him in your prayers we're seeing him tomorrow on our run (: 
Finding with Fidga
We also had other amazing miracles, our ami Julianna is 13. Sweetest girl ever, she came to an activity and church and absolutely loved it !! We stopped by her house one day to ask if they were coming to church. No one else was home so we waited at the door, but she told us that she wants to memorize the young woman's theme. She's been trying this whole week !!! It was so precious. We bore testimony of the power of that theme !!! Honestly, knowing that you are a child of God brings so much worth I to your eyes and the eyes of others. I told her that these characteristics are what make a true disciple of Christ. And that we should strive always just as it says, it's not easy, but God is holding us on the way. We gave her Moroni 7 to read, talking about the qualities of faith hope and charity and how to incorporate them more into our lives. 
House we fell in love with...

We met a man named keita mamadou youssouf.  Yes that is his full name. He is a sweet little old man from Mali who met the missionaries a long time ago. He is the most pensive man. When he opened the door, he said he was not at all interested in our religion, but he said I've been thinking a lot actually about the missionaries I met 20 years ago. 20 YEARS. 
Well, basically after long discussions, he finally agreed to come to the Venez et Voyez!!
Yes okay so the venez et Voyez, we had prepared a musical number Merveilleux l'amour , or I stand all amazed. So we showed up early, there was a couple there from Toulouse, the woman was so in love with the song that she came up and started singing with me !!! It was so cute. 
Anyways, we had some crazy miracles happen, first off Mamadou came, and that was a miracle because he is in bad health, second we met a family from Tahiti who showed up and said they had been looking for the church for years, they live an hour away, her husband is investigating the church and she and her mom are members, Mére, Mathieu at Celine. Well they were so cute after the ward meal we exchanged numbers and they will be there next Sunday. We also had a family come from one of our members, he invited his ex-wife, her mother, and his son. Wow !! That was fun !! And they loved it. Anaïs, they are planning on coming next week. 
New Family from Tahiti
One sweet tender mercy was from a member on this busy day. Soeur Boulanger, she conducts the music. She knew one of my favorite hymns is In Humility Our Savior, and she chose it. After they announced it my eyes sprang up and she looks directly at me from the pulpit and points with hearts saying this is for you !!! I was so touched. 
It made me really appreciate the small and simple things that keep us going. 

This week we worked really hard to see the miracles of Venez et Voyez. I am so grateful for the efforts that were put in to create such a wonderful meeting. 
France is tough don't get me wrong. But I promise you that God placed those who are prepared to meet us. Alma 13: 3-5 
When we work hard with an eye single to the glory of God, he truly blesses us for our efforts. I am so grateful for this gospel. Very grateful for the opportunity I have to be here. And ESPECIALLY grateful for my family, for their love and energy they bring to me (: 
Have a great week everyone (: 
Our Address:
Les Soeurs missionaires
Soeur Dunkley
94 Rue de Lorraine
49300 Cholet

Friday, September 21, 2018

Le pouvoir du tournesol.. The power of the Sunflower

half a year déjà !!! Wow!! 
I am stunned. 

So sorry last week's email was super short. P-days are great but when you're out it is hard to not only find the time to write, but find the Wi-Fi!! And after we visited the Abbey, we went straight into a McDonald's and just started writing lol. 

Well! I hope everyone is well ! I have had a week just chuck full of miracles ! Chuck full ! 
To start, marina and Phillip are doing great, we meet with them just about every day because they're our neighbors, we always bring them the food that the members give us because my goodness we are just two girls. Luckily they accept literally anything. Phillip is so sweet, so in our ward, we have one woman bring cucumbers and tomatoes every Sunday for the whole ward, literally bags full, and Phillip and marina partake as well, well last night we passed by their house and he was like my parents make jams, I'm going to start bringing jam to church, do you think the members will take it ? And we were falling on the floor, how perfect is that?? 
He's doing better, only smoking two cigarettes a day and IF he drinks, he drinks one beer, so we are making improvements. He says that despite not understanding the Book of Mormon He finds a lot of strength from it anyways, so he still reads it because it helps him go to sleep and wake up early. Lol how precious is that. Marina is doing great as well, were still working on her prayers because she doesn't quite understand the extent of our Heavenly Father’s love, but she's getting there. They both came to the relief society activity this Saturday, poor Phillip being one of the 3 men that came, he still enjoyed it. It was a soirée tahitien party thing because we had a soeur come back from serving her mission there !!! 
She's so cute. 
We also met with another ami, Eric, such a genuine dad. He has been investigating the church for so long. He's finally accepted the lessons!! We taught the word of Wisdom, his wife and I told him that he will look better if he stops smoking. So that's his motivation, aside from the blessings and love from God. 
His daughter is our inspiration, she is a member, 10 years old, and she prays every night that he will be baptized. She sits in the lessons and helps us teach him. 

We went to Rennes last week for our exchange with the STLs!! Oh my goodness it was so amazing, first off, we have to take 3 hour long trains just to get there, but it is so worth it. Rennes is a city of miracles. To start, Soeur Peterson was so kind to tell them that it was my six month mark, so they surprised me with the BEST macaroons I have ever tasted, rennes is known for one macaroon shop in particular. We finished off the night by painting. 

 Anyways it was Soeur Packard and I, in the morning we went to la marchèe des lisses, translates weird but it's an outdoor flower market, we bought the BIGGEST sunflower we could find, to give to an ami named Juliet.
Unfortunately the rdv didn't happen due to travel times, BUT God placed miracles anyways, so we had this giant flower, we thought we would go finding and use it. So we started by asking people if they would take our picture with it, once they agreed, it usually sprung up a conversation. We found so many amazing people !! 
Then we went porting, knocking on doors. We started the contact with the concept that the tournesol, or sunflower, turns towards the sun... how can we better turn towards God in our day? And the people giggled and answered sweet questions like we'll we can be kind to others, or do service. And Wow. The French loved it. 
Afterwards, we bought baguettes and waited for Soeur Peterson to meet us at the gare. Sad to part  but Soeur Peterson and I had a great trip home. 
We stopped at the gare de Le Mans, it's a Ville. We had an hour before pur next train, so we went to do language study outside because it was beautiful. We were approached by this man named Bashir, he told us " Hey !! You guys have a building here right ?? I want to know more about your church!! How many moms do you have ?? I know your bishop !!" Literally he asked all those questions at once, but yeah so he sat down with us and we taught him a bit about our religion. He was a bit strange but had a big heart. Asked me for my plastic water bottle because he was thirsty.
Then Soeur Peterson wanted a patisserie, so we walked to this boulangerie. She and I both this homeless woman and Bashir a small Apple tart. ( still had the flower) 
Well this woman, who was sitting at this shop, sipping her coffee,  stopped us, and said that was very sweet of you. We explained who we were and invited her to come to church, she immediately started crying and said my sister is dying. We had NO time because our train was about to leave, so I grabbed her hand and said she is going to be alright. After bearing testimony of the plan of salvation, she quickly said thank you. I tried to give her our card but she declined saying she wasn't ready. It was a very enriching moment. I hope she comes one day. 

Anyways, on our way home we stopped at a member’s house, who just had surgery to remove a tumor, we gave her the flower. Because man it was heavy, and then we were off to the soirée tahitien !! Like I said Phillip and marina came, but then... HANNETA AND JULIANA! This mom and 13 year old daughter that we have just begun to teach, show up with crepes and chicken. And it was the BEST NIGHT EVER. I could not believe they came. Juliana was so well integrated to the young girls that were there. They came to church the next day late because haneeta had a headache but juliana said no I want to go Mom, so they came anyways, Hanneta bore her testimony in relief society and it was honestly so amazing. 

These past couple of days I focused on one principle. Think about Christ. And I can testify to you that if we look UPON him. We will rise up and be like him. 
I am so grateful for this opportunity to be here. God needs me here to not only bless the lives of others, but to bless mine. 
I know my Redeemer lives, he knows my weaknesses and strengths. He knows yours as well, and most importantly HE knows how YOU can overcome them. So rely on him !! 

Oh and there is a picture of taboule, it's something I eat all the time here y'all were asking me what foods we buy. 

Love you all 
Keep praying, keep reading. 
Also I love Tahitian food it is so good 
See ya later !! 

Temple Trip & Joel's Baptism

So sorry everyone but I don't have time for a weekly. We went to an abandoned Abbey today and it was so cool !! Went to the temple Saturday and did baptisms for the dead with our recent converts, had food poisoning but it's okay because we were blessed anyways !! 
Also marina and Phillip have been progressing like crazy ! Phillip quit coffee and beer !! And he is cutting back on cigarettes. Since they're are neighbors they just came to our apartment one night and were like sisters, we succeeded our goals !!! We wanted to tell you we had hot chocolate for breakfast! 
I was in tears. 

Truly one of my best friends. I love him. 

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Joy in Fasting...

Hello hello ! 
This week was another testimony to me of why I am here in France serving the Lord. 
First off, we are focusing the month of September on a France wide Venez et Voyez, basically it's a special reunion of the sacrament on the 23 September, for people that are interested in the church. Or anyone that is just curious for that matter. So, our President has given us the assignment to visit with every member before the 16th of September. As you can imagine, with finding, our amis, and visiting multiple members each day, it is a FULL schedule. It is so worth it, that's for sure. 
We have set a goal as an équipe to have 25 people come to the reunion. SO. that should be fun. 

This week was full of fun. I have really seen the miracles of our efforts. 

I guesI will list off some highlights or miracles of the week, don't have a ton of time, as we are on a train coming home from a chateau

* Tuesday, we went finding and ran into this one lady who though we were the cutest things, unfortunately she wasn't interested, but she gladly took a brochure. Her son walked passed us and wasn't interested either, so off we went to our rendez vous just down the street. 
Well, apparently he said that we were cute Americans, so on our way back, after about 45 minutes, the woman stopped us again and shouted "one inside my boy thinks you're cute !!" And we didn't know what to do but figured we can still testify so off we went. HE WAS SO EMBARRASSED that his mom brought us in lol. She said Daniel they have a message!! So We taught the book of Mormon and as we were talking she filmed us. She kept asking questions over the phone. It was a bit uncomfortable but oh well. Tant mieux. Then we asked him if he was interested in learning more and he wanted the book of Mormon that had our number in it. We pleaded for him to read it lol. So hopefully he does. Anyways she took photos of us and said she will read the Book so everyone pray for her ! 
* well the next day we were in the same area and we saw her again !!! We incited her to venez et Voyez and she said she's taking her whole family !!! So that was a big blessing. 

* we have a new ami, his name is Giovanni, one of the most genuine people I have ever met. He truly wants to know the truth, he's had a very hard life but is obsessed with the book of Mormon, he's studied every religion, but claims the lives de Mormon is really the word if God. Well yes Giovanni me too. Thru our efforts we weren't able to get him to church, but we're still meeting with him so that's good. He just said he was tired. Church is not that early Gio  !!! 
* we were finding in a Ville and got slammed by every single door, on our walk back to our car, I immediately stopped in front of this door number 10. I had a very direct impression to sonner the doorbell !! Well, it was a mother with 5 beautiful children. Raphaelle, basically after talking about the book of Mormon, all of her kids and her wanted one, and they wanted to read it together as a family. I was so touched, she said I looked just like her daughter who has blue eyes and blonde hair too. I pulled out some photos that I carry with me everywhere and I showed them my family, she was so touched and said that it was very courageous what we were doing. I told her very softly Raphaelle it's because it's the truth. 
She was super touched, we are planning on meeting up with them next week. 
* we had a ward BBQ friday and had Marina and Phillip come ! Also our cute little French teacher came, Martine, she told us she wants us to meet her new boyfriend so I'm PUMPED for that. They WILL be baptized one day. 
* Also, this one member gave me a zucchini the size of my head. You guys we literally are so blessed, and also overwhelmed. It's a polarity that's for sure. 
* we have an ami Eric, who is amazing. His wife is baptized and a couple of his children too. Do y'all remember Anaïs? The 17 year old daughter of magali and eric? The one who left and cut my hair ? Okay well we asked her to read Enos a couple weeks back, WELL. She texted us and goes, okay soeurs, last night I woke up from a nightmare and could not go back to sleep. I saw the book of Mormon on the floor and decided to read the chapter. She read the entire chapter and after had the best sleep ever. She was like give me another one I want to sleep that way all the time. We were in tears it was so amazing !!!!! So cool 
* Also my mom met a girl back in new York who is from France, we have been in contact for the past couple of days, she is agreeing to meet with the missionaries who live in her Ville! 

As you can see, we have witnessed so many tender mercies. 
This week I fasted very specifically. I fell upon a scripture in D&C 59:13-15 
It compares fasting to joy. It's so true. These past 3 days, we have worked so hard, and although a lot of things didn't go our way, it was not because our efforts weren't enough. God saw how much we wanted the benefit for our amis and members and he blessed in ways we could not imagine. Because of this fast I have experienced so much joy !!! I am so happy to be here. I am so grateful for the simplicity of the gospel that allows me to have happiness through hard times. 
I encourage you all to fast with a purpose ! Even though it's a month away, focus on what you can do now to prepare. He will bless you for your efforts, and the joy will be reflected that's for sure. 
Heavenly Father loves you.
Love you all so much. 

Home For The Holidays

Joyeux noël ! Joyeuse saison !  I hope everyone is icing cookies and wearing thermals !!! Well, this letter is going to be interesting...