Thursday, May 10, 2018

I made it to France!

With President and Sister Sorensen

Bonjour ma famille de Nogent!!!!! 
Pouvez vous imaginé??? Je suis en France!!  It has been an absolute crazy week. First off. It feels like I've been here for ages, that's not a bad thing, but it does feel like I've been here for ages lol. To start 
Last week at the MTC. So currently in on le train with my comp. We're going to a cathedral called Sacré Coeur tbat overlooks pretty much all of Paris. Ugh it's so beautiful here, there are flowers EVERYWHERE. I cannot get enough of it. Anyways, quick story of today and then recap if my life in Nogent. So we are on the bus right, not expecting to talk to anyone really because it was a busy moving crowd. Well a guy approaches us and said in French wow I didn’t know there were girl versions of y'all!! I was dying I said bien sûr monsieur??!! Which basically means like ummm yes of course? Anyways. We talked the whole way up. He was super interested. So we invited him to meet up with us another time and just as I said that he shouted ugh this is my stop!! I was in a panic when he threw at me his card pretty much and said please call me and ran out the door. It was unreal. Miracles am I right everyone. 

Okay arrival day
First off crazy flight, almost 10 hours, oh and guess What, there was another stewardess who spoke French on the plane lol so I talk to him forever. Kurt. 
Ok, so we landed in Paris and were given for lunch a fresh baguette, orange, cheese and pain de chocolate, it was all sooooo good haha. (I’m going to need a ton of those lactaid pills mom) Anyways, met with President, did a bit of contacting in the streets and then got assigned to our comps. I am companions with Soeur Kennington!!! From Kaysville Utah. Sweet thang. 

 Okay so Tuesday or Wednesday I don't really remember which but we went to this. members house named Soeur Neombolibona, she's from central Africa. Soooooo sweet oh my goodness. She was being so patient with my French. Anyways she made us some oil fried African chicken and rice (it was literally the size of my head) and told us that we had to eat it all before we left. I was laughing so hard bc I just started down at this massive bird thing, but anyways we someone finished after sharing a message from alma 15, and then she gave us 4 more chicken thighs!!!! What. Lol 
Our apartment is SO cute, there are 6 soeurs living together and were on the 5th floor. There are tulips on our balcony an it's super tiny. We share one bathroom lol. 
Later on this week we went to the temple with an investigator or amis de l'église or amis  for short.  IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL. her name is Amil. Ugh she had an amazing time. The spirit was so strong. Sadly, afterwards she said I'm super happy with my church and think she will stay there, she is Muslim. However, she wants to continue to read the book of Mormon so I'm praying and y'all should too.
Ok the language is so hard. But people are nice and listen to me. I'm super hard on myself which I need to work on bc doing the language is utterly impossible so I shouldn't get discouraged now if I don't get it immediately. 
But I will say that the gift of tongues is so real and has literally brought miracles to our plate. 
Speaking of plates this week was hilarious because we actually lived on just potato and green beans lol I came in when there was no food. It's okay I'm full now of a baguette but it made me laugh bc we would play Russian toilet with who got the last chick pea. 
Anyways, last thing. Joel. What a miracle, he as a man that would pass us on the street like 3 times this week. We would stop and say hi and give him a message but he usually politely declines. But this time we asked him again if he would come to church and he said yes!!! And he came!!!!!! What! When he came he said during Sunday school that these two missionaries must be a sign from God so that's why I am here. I was so touched. Joel was a sign of God to me that’s for sure. Anyways I'm super short of time but I love you all so much and sorry if I don't get to y'alls emails quick enough but we don't have Wi-Fi here so it takes a bit to get everything. 
Thanks for the love and support. Also sister Nakata I will look out for Esther this week!!!! Way cool. 
Love you all and this gospel!!! 
Everyone read Jacob 5: 71-75. How can you be a part of his harvest??? How can you endure to the end?? Umm never deny sharing your testimony of course. 
Okay love you all again 
Soeur Dunkley 

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